Early Spring Garden

As temperatures have warmed, and heavy winter rains have given way to light spring showers, our garden is coming alive. First, this bloom on an Abutilon, or Flowering Maple, looks like a brilliant red bell announcing the season. Next, this Iris is a California native we bought years ago at a Strybing Arboretum plant sale. The third photo shows purple blooms atop the variegated foliage of a Hebe. Named for the ancient Greek goddess of youth, the Hebe genus originates in New Zealand.

Flowering MapleIris flowerVariegated Hebe with flowers

When I first moved into this apartment in the mid-90’s, I found a flower pot with a nearly-dead Cymbidium abandoned under the stairs of the back deck. I managed to save it, and for many years since, I’ve been rewarded with big, beautiful red blooms. As a terrestrial orchid, it’s growing in the ground very close to where I found it. Nearby there’s a great Sage with fuzzy, hot-pink flowers, and soft, pineapple-scented leaves.

Red Cymbidium flowerCymbidium flowersScented pink sage

Calla Lillies thrive here on the California coast. They’re native to South Africa. After these waist-high blooms fade, the plants will die back to dormant rootstocks for our summer dry season. Lastly, this tiny bloom descends from some Geraniums that drifted into the yard as weeds several years ago. Their charming light purple flowers earned them a place to stay. They’ve proven quite prolific, and they pop up in every shady spot and crevice at this time of year.

Calla lilyCalla lilliesGeranium

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7 Comments on “Early Spring Garden”

  1. nancy Says:

    Gorgeous cymbidium!!! I’m so jealous they’re much harder to grow in upstate NY

  2. jose84 Says:

    calla lilies are easier if you give them all the water they need. thanks for the pretty picture.

  3. Joy Blake Says:

    Love that cymbidium! Thats one of the nicest deep reds I’ve seen. Thanks for all the great photos.

  4. Elena Says:

    I’ve never seen a geranium so small. Very interesting!

  5. gk1974 Says:

    That geranium looks like a true geranium species, not one of the flowers we call geraniums but are really pelargoniums.

  6. Luis488 Says:

    Thanks for the great pics

  7. gn Says:

    nice red cymbidium