Orchid shows strut their stuff from Hilo to Copenhagen, Toronto to Singapore, and Sao Paulo to Brisbane. All of these events offer extraordinary flowers, and many also have orchid experts and vendors.
August 1
Santa Cruz Orchid Society Silent Auction & Ice Cream Social, Live Oak Grange Hall, 1900 17th Ave., Santa Cruz, California
August 1 – 3
Festival Trujillano de Orquideas, Coliseo Ruben Zayas Montanez, Calle Munez Rivera, Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
August 1 – 3
Hilo Orchid Society Annual Show & Sale, Edith Kanakaole Stadium, 350 Kalanikoa St., Hilo, Hawaii
August 1 – 3
Orchids by the Sea, Dee Why RSL Club, Pittwater Rd., Dee Why, NSW, Australia
August 1 – 3
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Varginha, Espaco Botafogo, Rua Alves e Silva, 74, Centro, Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil
August 1 – 3
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Lagoa Santa, Colegio M2, Orla da Lagoa Central, Rua Vereador Ildeu Viana Matos 273, Centro, Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, Brazil
August 2
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center Annual Speaker’s Day, Odd Fellows Hall, 1831 Howe Ave., Sacramento, California
August 2 – 3
Orchids in the Park Show & Sale, San Francisco County Fair Building, 9th Ave. & Lincoln Way, San Francisco, California
August 3
Stawell Orchid Society Show, Laidlaw Park, Patrick St., Stawell, Victoria, Australia
August 6 – 9
Newcastle Orchid Society Show, Edgeworth Centre, Edgeworth, NSW, Australia
August 6 – 10
Exposicion Orquideas, Pajaros y Flores, Jardin Botánico, Carrera 52, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia
August 8 – 9
International Phalaenopsis Alliance Symposium, Ontario Airport Hotel & Conference Center, 700 N. Haven Ave., Ontario, California
August 8 – 9
Cattleya Symposium, Univ. of Florida, Indian River Research and Education Center, 2199 South Rock Rd., Ft. Pierce, Florida
August 8 – 9
Houston Orchid Society’s Annual Summer Workshop, St. John the Divine Church, 2450 River Oaks Blvd., Houston, Texas
August 8 – 10
National Orchid Extravaganza, Dural Recreation Centre at Ellerman Park, 25a Kenthurst Rd., Round Corner, Dural, NSW, Australia
August 8 – 10
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Pirassununga, Ginasio de Esporte da APAE, Av. Antonio Joaquim Mendes, 661, Pirassununga, Sao Paulo, Brazil
August 8 – 10
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Matao, Salao Comunitario da Paroquia Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Av. 15 de Novembro, 1982, Bairro Alto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
August 9
North of England Orchid Society Monthly Meeting & Show, Barton Village Hall, Barton, Lancashire, UK
August 9
Nordvastra Skanes Orkidesallskap Sommertreffen, Valaplantor, Valatorpsvagen 25, SE-254 68 Helsingborg, Sweden
August 9 – 10
Maroochydore Orchid Society Show, Millwell Rd., Community Hall, Millwell Rd. E., Maroochydore, Queensland, Australia
August 10
Southern Ontario Orchid Society Orchidfest, Toronto Botancial Garden, Lawrence Ave. E., Toronto, Ontario, Canada
August 14 – 16
Tweed District Orchid Society Show, Jessie McMillan Hall, Wollumbin St., Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia
August 14 – 17
Campbelltown & District Orchid Society Show, Narellan Town Centre, 326 Camden Valley Way, Narellan, NSW, Australia
August 15 – 17
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Araraquara, Shopping Lupo Araraquara, Rua Goncalves Dias, 543, Centro, Araraquara, Sao Paulo, Brazil
August 15 – 17
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Lavras, Lavras Shopping, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil
August 15 – 17
St. Ives Orchid Fair, St. Ives Showground, Mona Vale Rd., St. Ives, NSW, Australia
August 15 – 17
Sapphire Coast Orchid Club Winter Show, Twyford Hall, Market St., Merimbula, NSW, Australia
August 15 – 17
Gippsland Orchid Club, Mid Valley Plaza, Princes Highway, Morwell, Victoria, Australia
August 16
Cymbidium Society of America NZ Spring Show, Western Springs Garden Community Hall, 956-990 Great North Rd., Western Springs, Auckland, New Zealand
August 16
Bellingen Valley Orchid Society Show, Uniting Church Hall, Ford & Hyde Sts., Bellingen, NSW, Australia
August 16 – 24
Singapore Garden Festival, Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay, 18 Marina Gardens Dr., Singapore
August 17
Scottish Orchid Society Florence Woolward Paintings and Orchid Show, Marquis of Lothian Residence, Monteviot House, Jedburgh, Scotland, UK
August 21 – 24
Western Suburbs Orchid Society Show, Ashfield Mall, 260A Liverpool Rd., Ashfield, NSW, Australia
August 22 – 23
Whangarei Orchid Society Spring Show, Old Library, Forum North, 7 Rust Ave., Whangarei, New Zealand
August 22 – 24
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Juiz de Fora, Colegio dos Jesuitas, Av. Presidente Itamar Franco, 1600, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil
August 22 – 24
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Morrinhos, Centro de Eventos Adilon Alves de Amorim, Morrinhos, Goais, Brazil
August 22 – 24
Melbourne Orchid Spectacular, Boxhall Pavillion, KCC Park, 655 Westernport Hwy., Skye, Victoria, Australia
August 22 – 24
Eurobodalla Orchid Club Spring Show, Narooma Sports and Leisure Centre, Blue Water Dr., Narooma, NSW, Australia
August 22 – 24
Maitland & Coalfields District Orchid Society Show, St. James Hall, High & Tank Sts., Morpeth, NSW, Australia
August 23 – 24
British Orchid Growers Summer Fair, Roots Garden Centre, Priors Court Rd., Hermitage, Thatcham, West Berkshire, UK
August 23 – 24
North Brisbane Orchid Society Show, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Auditorium, Mt. Coot-Tha Rd., Toowong, Queensland, Australia
August 23 – 24
Australasian Native Orchid Society Show, Bald Hills State School, 2156 Gympie Rd., Bald Hills, Queensland, Australia
August 23 – 24
Leisure Coast Orchid Society Show, Old Wollongong Court House, Belmore Basin, Wollongong, NSW, Australia
August 28 – 31
Copenhagen Orchid Show, Sjaellands Orchid Klub, Kongelige Danske Haveselskabs Have, Frederiksberg Runddel 1, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
August 28 – 31
Sutherland Shire Orchid Society Spring Show, Swanes Nursery, 80 Port Hacking Rd., Sylvania, NSW, Australia
August 28 – 31
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Varzea Paulista, Rua Pedro Poloni, 35, Centro, Varzea Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil
August 29 – 30
Waitakere Orchid Club Spring Show, Kelston Community Centre, 135 Awaroa Rd., Sunnyvale, New Zealand
August 29 – 30
Ballina & District Orchid Society Show, Ballina RSL Club, River St., Ballina, NSW, Australia
August 30 – 31
Zululand Orchid Society Spring Show, Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre, Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
August 30 – 31
Heidemarkt Dortmund mit Heidefest, Botanischer Garten Rombergpark, Am Rombergpark 49b, 44225 Dortmund, Germany
August 30 – 31
West Brisbane Orchid Society Show, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Auditorium, Mt. Coot-Tha Rd., Toowong, Queensland, Australia
August 30 – 31
Gold Coast District Orchid Society Show, Albert Waterways Community Centre, Hooker & Sunshine Blvds., Mermaid Waters, Queensland, Australia
August 30 – 31
Logan & District Orchid Society Show, Logan Central Community Centre, Jacaranda & Wembley Rds., Logan Central, Queensland, Australia
August 30 – 31
Port Macquarie Orchid and Bromeliad Society Show, Panthers Port Macquarie, Settlement City, Bay St., Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia
August 31 – September 6
Bayside Orchid Society Show, Centro Shopping Centre, High St., Cranbourne, Victoria, Australia

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