It’s no surprise to find orchid events in California, Florida, and Puerto Rico this month. But it’s a little surprising to see shows during the frigid winters of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Massachusetts. Visitors to these events will quickly defrost to enjoy an instant tropical getaway.
January 2
Deutsche Orchideengesellschaft Tischbewertung, Hannover Herrenhäuser Gärten, Hanover, Germany
January 9
North of England Orchid Society Monthly Meeting & Show, Community Hall, Manchester Rd., Rixton with Glazebrook, Cheshire, UK
January 14 – 17
Festival de Orquideas, Plaza Guayama Mall, Av. los Veteranos, Guayama, Puerto Rico
January 15
Cymbidium Orchid Auction, San Mateo Garden Center, 605 Parkside Way, San Mateo, California
January 15 – 17
Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society Show & Sale, War Memorial Auditorium, 800 NE 8th St., Fort Lauderdale, Florida
January 15 – 18
North Jersey Orchid Society Show & Sale, Douglass Student Center, Rutgers Univ., 100 George St., New Brunswick, New Jersey
January 16 – 17
Paphiopedilum Guild, Hyatt Santa Barbara, 1111 E. Cabrillo Blvd., Santa Barbara, California
January 16 – 17
Grand Valley Orchid Society Show, Frederick Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, 1000 E. Beltline NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
January 22 – 24
North Carolina Piedmont Orchid Society Show, Stowe Botanical Gardens, 6500 S. New Hope Rd., Belmont, North Carolina
January 23 – 24
Tamiami International Orchid Festival, Dade County Fairgrounds Expo Center, Fuchs Pavilion, 10901 Coral Way (SW 24th St.), Miami, Florida
January 23 – 24
Cape and Islands Orchid Society Show, Resort and Conference Center, 35 Scudder Ave., Hyannis, Massachusetts
January 23 – 24
Peninsula Orchid Society Show & Sale, Community Activities Building, 1400 Roosevelt Ave., Redwood City, California
January 24 – 25
Winter Carnival Orchid Show, Marjorie McNeely Conservatory, 1225 Estabrook Dr., St. Paul, Minnesota
January 24 – 25
Orchideenausstellung, Botanischer Garten Rombergpark, Pflanzenschauhauser Rombergpark, Mergelteichstrasse 40, 44225 Dortmund, Germany
January 26
Royal Horticultural Society Orchid Committee, Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, UK
January 29 – 31
Asociación de Orquidistas del Sur Show, Plaza del Caribe, 2050 Ponce Bypass, Ponce, Puerto Rico
January 29 – 31
Gulf Coast Orchid Society Show, Gautier Convention Center, 2012 Library Ln., Gautier, Mississippi
January 30 – 31
Madison Orchid Growers Guild Show, Marriott Madison West Conference Center, 1313 John Q. Hammons Dr., Middleton, Wisconsin

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on Thursday, December 31st, 2015 at 5:30 am and is filed under Botanical Gardens, Events.
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