Purple Zygo Orchids
When you think of Zygo orchids, think purple. Zygos are known for brilliant purple hues, rich scents, and long-lasting flowers. Alongside all that purple, their showy blooms include green, white, and maroon. These photos show just of few of the growing number of Zygo varieties, with many new hybrids on the market. The species are native to South American rainforests in Brazil, Argentina, and Peru.
Zygo is short for Zygopetalum. To pronounce it, say “zai go” to rhyme with “I go.” Some varieties are warm growers, but there are also cool growers which are perfectly suited for the Northern California coast. They grow in conditions similar to Cymbidiums, but don’t need as much sun. These cool growers enjoy morning sun, regular water, and regular fertilizer, and then a drier winter dormancy. They prefer deep pots where their large root systems can expand. The third photo in the row above shows the plant I’ve grown successfully outdoors for years, Zygopetalum BG White ‘Stonehurst’. Its powerfully fragrant flowers last for months, and it reliably blooms twice a year. (The other Zygo photos are from orchid shows and greenhouse visits.)
Zygos can be susceptible to botrytis, a type of fungal infection which leads to black leaf spots. The Zygos can thrive and bloom anyway. High humidity and good air flow will minimize the effects.
If you love purple, you’ll love Zygos. They’ll fill your garden with color and fragrance.
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May 26th, 2016 at 11:24 am
Zygos are my favorite orchids! Great photos of these lovelies.