AboutOrchids Is 10 Years Old Today!

Brilliant yellow Masdevallia orchid flowers, Pacific Orchid Expo 2009, San Francisco, California

AboutOrchids is 10 years old today! As we approach 900 posts over a decade, it’s easy to look back and see how the blog (and I) have grown. When somebody asks how I still come up with new posts after all these years, the answer is that I’m still learning, too. And the more I learn, the more I understand that orchids are perennially fascinating. It may be the latest hybrid trend, or the discovery of new species, but there’s always more about orchids. With hundreds of thousands of different varieties, they are an endless topic.

You can probably hear my enthusiasm still going strong, but it can also be a lot of work. A decade ago, when blogs were still cool, I had no idea if AboutOrchids would outlast the trend. Along the way, Dave and I have learned more, and taken more photos, than we ever could have imagined. I’m thrilled when readers tell me that the website has helped them, or that AboutOrchids has given them enough orchid care basics to advance to other areas, like hybridizing or showing orchids. And supporting conservation must be an integral part of our love for these remarkable flowers.

So even if the website is desperately overdue for a revamp, I plan to still keep going with the blog. I can’t imagine a day when I’m ever done learning about orchids. Thanks to all AboutOrchids’ readers for being along for the ride.

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