Celebrate orchids all around the globe with this month’s shows. Many events are great for Mother’s Day outings and gift-buying opportunities. All are great chances to see incredible flowers, take photos, and talk to orchid experts.
May 3 – 4
Pine Rivers Orchid Society Show, Aspley Hypermarket, 59 Albany Creek Rd., Aspley, Queensland, Australia
May 4 – 5
Maclean District Orchid Society Show, McLean Bowls Club, McLachlan St., Maclean, NSW, Australia
May 4 – 6
Platinum Coast Orchid Society Show, Kiwanis Island Park Gymnasium, 951 Kiwanis Island Park Rd., Merritt Island, Florida
May 4 – 6
North Gauteng Orchid Society Autumn Show, Safari Garden Centre, Pretoria, Gauteng Province, South Africa
May 4 – 6
Tygerberg Orchid Group Autumn Show, Tyger Valley Centre, Bill Bezuidenhout Ave., Bellville, Cape Town, South Africa
May 4 – 6
Bankstown Orchid Society Show, Auburn Central, 72 Queen St., Auburn, NSW, Australia
May 4 – 6
Exposição Orquídeas no Jardim, Orquidário, Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, R. Jardim Botânico, 1008, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
May 4 – 6
Exposição Nacional de Orquídeas, Pavilhão Sagrada Família, Rua Cap. Geraldo 26, Itumirim, Minas Gerais, Brazil
May 5
Devon Orchid Society Show, Public Hall, Station Rd., Budleigh Salterton, UK
May 5 – 6
Manoa Orchid Society Show, Noelani Elementary School Cafeteria, 2655 Woodlawn Dr., Honolulu, Hawaii
May 5 – 6
Gawler & Districts Orchid Society Show, St. Paul’s Church, Main St., Tanunda, South Australia, Australia
May 5 – 6
Gympie Garden Expo and Orchid Show, Gympie Showgrounds, Gympie, Queensland, Australia
May 5 – 6
Southport & Districts Orchid Show, Robina Community Centre, 196 Robina Town Dr., Robina, Queensland, Australia
May 5 – 6
Exposición Nacional Orquídeas, Hotel Hesperia, Av. Las Delicias, Maracay, Venezuela
May 5 – 8
Exposition Internationale d’Orchidées, Salle des Fêtes d’Arenberg, 41 rue Taffin, Wallers, France
May 6
Fenland Orchid Society Show, Terrington St. Clement Village Hall, Churchgate Way, Terrington St. Clement, Norfolk, UK
May 6
Hastings River Orchid Society Show, Wauchope RSL, Young St., Wauchope, NSW, Australia
May 6 – 7
Raby Castle Orchid Show, Raby Castle, Staindrop, Darlington, County Durham, UK
May 6 – 12
South Coast Orchid Society Show, Pasadena Shopping Centre, Pasadena, South Australia, Australia
May 9 – 12
Boolaroo Orchid Society Show, Belmont Citi-Centre, Edgar St., Belmont, NSW, Australia
May 9 – 12
Expo-Venta de Orquídeas, Carnívoras y Cactáceas, Explanada Central, Campus Central, UPAEP, Puebla, Mexico
May 10 – 12
Maui Orchid Society Mother’s Day Show, Maui Mall, 70 E. Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, Maui, Hawaii
May 10 – 12
Hawkesbury District Orchid Show, Richmond Market Place, 80 March St., Richmond, NSW, Australia
May 10 – 12
Ballina Orchid Society Show, Ballina Fair Shopping Centre, Ballina, NSW, Australia
May 10 – 13
Five Dock RSL Orchid Society Show, Leichhardt Market Town, Flood St., Leichhardt, NSW, Australia
May 10 – 13
Wolkberg Orchid Society Autumn Show, Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, Tzaneen, Limpopo, South Africa
May 10 – 13
Exposición de Orquídeas de Primavera, Orquidario, Calz. Ventura Puente, Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico
May 11 – 12
East Rand Orchid Society Autumn Show, Edenvale Community Centre, Edenvale, Gauteng, South Africa
May 11 – 12
Noosa District Orchid & Foliage Society Mother’s Day Show, CWA Hall, Maple St. Cooroy, Queensland, Australia
May 11 – 13
New Mexico Orchid Guild Show & Sale, Albuquerque Garden Center, 10120 Lomas Blvd., Albuquerque, New Mexico
May 12
Essex Orchid Society Spring Show, Billericay, Billericay South Green Memorial Hall, Southend Rd., Billericay, Essex, UK
May 12
North of England Orchid Society Monthly Meeting & Show, Barton Village Hall, Barton, Lancashire, UK
May 12
New Zealand Orchid Society Autumn Show, Mt. Albert War Memorial Hall, 749 New North Rd., Mt. Albert, Auckland, New Zealand
May 12
Alfred County Orchid Society Mother’s Day Display, Hibiscus Mall, Margate, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
May 12
Aspley Orchid Society Show, Community Hall, Edinburgh Castle Rd., Wavell Heights, Queensland, Australia
May 12 – 13
Orchid Society of California Mothers’ Day Weekend Show & Sale, Lakeside Park Garden Center Nursery, 666 Bellevue Ave., Oakland, California
May 12 – 13
Volusia County Orchid Society Show & Expo, Volusia County Fairgrounds, Hester Bldg., 3100 E. New York Ave., DeLand, Florida
May 12 – 13
Oklahoma Orchid Society Show & Sale, Will Rogers Garden Exhibition Center, 3400 NW 36th St., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
May 12 – 13
Galveston Bay Orchid Society Show & Sale, South Shore Harbor Resort & Conference Center, 2500 S. Shore Blvd., League City, Texas
May 12 – 13
Glasgow Orchid Fair, Kibble Palace, Glasgow Botanic Gardens, Great Western Rd., Glasgow, Scotland, UK
May 12 – 13
Trinidad & Tobago Orchid Society Show, The Oasis, 101 Circular Rd., San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago
May 12 – 13
Toowoomba Orchid Society Autumn Show, St. Paul’s Church, Phillip St., Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
May 12 – 13
Port Macquarie Orchid and Bromeliad Society Show, Panthers Port Macquarie, 1 Bay St., Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia
May 12 – 13
Exposição de Orquídeas de Rio Maior, Jardim Municipal, Rio Maior, Portugal
May 17 – 20
World Orchid Show, World Import Mart Building, 4th Floor, Sunshine City, Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan
May 18 – 20
Redland International Orchid Festival, Redland Fruit & Spice Park, 24801 SW 187th Ave., Homestead, Florida
May 18 – 20
Memphis Orchid Society Show & Sale, Memphis Botanic Garden, 750 Cherry Rd., Memphis, Tennessee
May 18 – 20
Zululand Orchid Society Autumn Show, Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre, Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
May 18 – 20
Orchids Out West, Hawkesbury Racecourse, Racecourse Rd., Clarendon, South Australia, Australia
May 18 – 20
Swiat Storczyków – The World of Orchids, Hipodrom Sopot, ul. Polna 1, Sopot, Poland
May 18 – 20
Exposição Nacional de Orquídeas de Itaúna, Poliesportivo Do Colégio Losango, Av. Jove Soares 651, Itaúna, Minas Gerais, Brazil
May 19
Vlakte Orchid Society Autumn Show, Modi Mall, Limpopo St., Modimolle, Limpopo, South Africa
May 19 – 20
Macleay Valley Orchid Society Show, Kempsey Heights Bowling Club, 10 Polwood St., Kempsey, NSW, Australia
May 19 – 21
Orchidays, Kursaal de Binche, Av. Wanderpepen 28, Binche, Belgium
May 20
Festa nel Paese delle Orchidee, Osoppo, Italy
May 20 – 21
Goulburn Valley Orchid Club Autumn Show, Kialla Paceway, Goulburn Valley Highway, Kialla, Victoria, Australia
May 22 – 26
RHS Chelsea Flower Show, Royal Hospital Chelsea, London, UK
May 23 – 25
Newcastle Orchid Society Show, Edgeworth Centre, Main Rd., Edgeworth, NSW, Australia
May 23 – 27
Orquídeas de Primavera, Centro Cultural Isidro Fabela, Casa del Risco, Plaza de San Jacinto 5, San Ángel, Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City, Mexico
May 24 – 26
Casino & District Orchid Society Show, Anglican Church Hall, Barker St., Casino, NSW, Australia
May 25 – 27
Exposition internationale d’Orchidées, Salles de la Ficelle, 65 Boulevard des Canuts, Lyon, France
May 25 – 27
Exposição Nacional de Orquídeas, Centro de Convenções, Palácio das Orquídeas, Piracanjuba, Goiás, Brazil
May 25 – 27
Miedzynarodowa Wystawa Orchidei, NOT Building, Ul. Pilsudskiego 74, Wroclaw, Poland
May 26
Lea Valley Orchid Society Show, Concern Centre, Priory St., Ware, Hertfordshire, UK
May 26 – 27
Boyne Tannum Orchid & Foliage Society Show, St. Francis Primary School, Francis Way, Tannum Sands, Queensland, Australia

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on Tuesday, May 1st, 2018 at 4:40 pm and is filed under Botanical Gardens, Events.
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