Orchids Thrive in Singapore’s HortPark
Orchids are all over the place in Singapore. The National Orchid Garden, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Cloud Forest Conservatory, Flower Dome Conservatory, and Supertrees are packed with them. Dave even found orchids when he wasn’t expecting them, like at HortPark, one of Singapore’s lesser known green spaces. It’s two blocks from the office where he was working, and he stumbled on it near his subway stop. With Vandas, Moth Orchids, Dendrobiums, Bamboo Orchids, and more, it’s home to lots of stunning tropical beauties growing outdoors.
The 24.7 acre (10 hectare) HortPark has more than orchids. The last five photos in this post show some other plants on display, like a snow-white hibiscus, black bamboo, and a colorful heliconia. HortPark has native plants, theme gardens, children’s gardens, and more. All are organized to encourage gardening, and to teach good planting practices. Admission to the park is free. It’s probably not on many tourist maps, but Singapore’s HortPark is a great orchid destination.
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