It’s Been Six Months Since My Last Orchid Events Post
Six months ago, I did a regular post about March’s upcoming orchid events. It included a note about a few cancellations because of COVID19. I certainly had no idea how much the world would change since then. By April, almost everything was cancelled, and it would have been irresponsible for me to publicize any remaining shows that could become contagion hotspots. For the first time in many years, I didn’t do a monthly events post. I haven’t done one since. I’m looking forward to the day when shows, auctions, seminars, and conferences can resume in person. In the meantime, enjoy these photos from the last show I attended, Pacific Orchid Expo 2020, back in February.
Of course, there are far greater tragedies than orchid shows being cancelled. Fortunately, Dave and I are doing fine. We live in a great town near San Francisco. Most people here are taking the virus seriously. Almost everybody wears masks and respects distancing. So far, the Bay Area has avoided the worst of the pandemic as a result. But with a monstrously incompetent, corrupt, and immoral president in charge, this country has no chance of getting this virus under control. For now, it’s all about virtual events. Many orchid societies, like the San Francisco Orchid Society, have monthly virtual meetings. The American Orchid Society has a catalog of recorded orchid care webinars, and regularly offers new ones. We are all becoming creative, and figuring out how to hold more gatherings online. Here’s hoping for the day when we can resume enjoying orchids together in person.
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