Indoor Orchids Chase Away Winter Blues
Orchids can help take the chill out of a gray winter, cold rains, and short days. Fortunately, I have a lot blooming indoors right now. First, there’s a fragrant Cattleya hybrid in the row of photos above. It’s been reliable for years, pumping out white blossoms with rich purple coloring. The ruffled petals and lips remind me of an elegant garment. The flowers’ spicy perfume is a rich treat.
The second row of photos shows my Vanda hybrid. With big flowers and big color, it’s a wall of brilliant purple. So far, the blooms have lasted over six weeks. The plant is obviously happy living in its glass vase home.
Samurai Orchids usually bloom over summer, but mine has a flower spike much later than usual this year. It’s shown in the third row. The crystal white flowers look like shooting stars, and emit a delicious scent after dark.
The last row of photos includes two shots of a great Lady Slipper hybrid, and a picture of an early bloom on my Coconut Orchid. Its sweet coconut scent is a promise of more to come. By spring, this plant will be overflowing with dozens of fragrant red flowers. All these orchids inspire warm thoughts over winter.
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