Happy Summer Solstice

To welcome the longest day of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere, that is,) I have some cheery pink Epidendrum flowers. Happy summer! Here in San Francisco, it’s a hot one, 94 F (34 C) in the shade at 1:00 in the afternoon. Where’s that cool SF fog when I need it?

Pink Epidendrum flowersEpidendrum flowers

This Epidendrum lives on our back deck, and receives some afternoon sun. It wants warmer temperatures than my cool growing Epidendrums, so it comes indoors in winter. Known for their long lasting flowers, Epidendrums can remain in bloom for months or even years. This one has been in constant bloom since January.

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One Comment on “Happy Summer Solstice”

  1. Don Says:

    It’s boiling hot here in SoCal too, 104° and really low humidity. Happy summer indeed!