Puerto Vallarta Botanical Gardens
As a regular visitor to Puerto Vallarta over the years, it’s exciting for me to learn about Vallarta Botanical Gardens. About 1/2 -hour drive south of Puerto Vallarta, the gardens were opened in 2005 in the coastal mountains of the Mexican state of Jalisco. Their mission is “the propagation, promotion, study, enjoyment and discovery of Mexican plants, especially orchids.” With more than 3000 plant species to enjoy, there are orchids, palms, ferns, bromeliads, and cactus. Among the orchids are Mexican natives such as Laelias, Sobralias, and Vanillas.
The Vallarta Botanical Garden is a non-profit organization working to fight habitat destruction, counter over-collection of native orchids, and preserve Mexico’s greatest botanical treasures. Visitors can enjoy orchid conservatories, tropical gardens, birdwatching, hiking trails, and the Plantation House Restaurant and Visitors’ Center. We’ll definitely visit on our next trip to Mexico, but for now we’ll have to just enjoy visiting online.
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October 7th, 2008 at 8:30 pm
just what i need! another reason to go to Mexico…
October 15th, 2008 at 10:06 pm
It looks like a very nice garden to visiit