That always seems like a fun word to say — equinox. Equal day, equal night. On this day, everywhere in the world has about 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night. The north of the planet moves into fall, and the south of the planet into spring. No matter which direction you’re headed, feel free to enjoy some of Dave’s wonderful photography. Here are pictures of a Masdevallia and a Laelia that were both frequent bloomers for us over the summer.
With warm weather forecast for this week in San Francisco, the garden is still blooming and buzzing, and doesn’t seem to notice the calendar. But of course change is in the air, and plants respond accordingly, just as they have for millions of years. Plants from tropical regions of the world, including many orchids, undergo seasonal cycles as well. Many orchids are finishing their cycles of growth and moving towards winter dormancy. In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy the garden while the weather still permits.
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