Native Orchid Conference

The Native Orchid Conference (NOC) is a non-profit organization whose purpose, in its own words, is “to foster the study, conservation, and enjoyment of the native orchids of the United States and Canada.” These North American orchids are sometimes less glamorous than their tropical counterparts, but no less fascinating or beautiful. Ranging from Florida to northern Canada, from subtropical to Arctic, native orchids often grow in specific habitats, like marshes or pine forests. They face threats to their survival such as habitat destruction, climate change, and over-collection (illegal removal from the wild for fun or profit, often killing the orchids in the process.) Unfortunately, many native orchids are difficult to keep alive in cultivation.

NOC’s website contains a great photo gallery where you can see a broad range of North American orchids. There are some great Epipactis photos, like the one I blogged about last year from my own garden. Check out the stunning pictures of Cypripediums, Arethrusa, and many other varieties. Membership benefits include receiving the quarterly publication The NOC Journal about native orchids. Members are also invited to NOC events, like their upcoming annual conference in Green Bay, Wisconsin. They welcome everyone from professionals to newcomers who wish to promote conservation and learning about native orchids.

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2 Comments on “Native Orchid Conference”

  1. nancy Says:

    sounds like a great group. thanx for the info

  2. AboutOrchids » Blog Archive » Native Orchid Conference Says:

    […] to register for the Native Orchid Conference, held June 12 – 16 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Run by an organization of the same name, the Native Orchid Conference highlights orchids from the USA and Canada. There are over 200 […]