Garden Conservancy

What does the infamous prison at Alcatraz have to do with conservation? The Garden Conservancy is a non-profit organization that helps to preserve important gardens, including the ones around the former prison on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay. Founded in 1989, the Garden Conservancy has helped Alcatraz and more than 90 gardens in the USA to keep growing. Alcatraz Island is now part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and its exceptional gardens are becoming as popular as the historic prison itself. Other conservation projects include the Ruth Bancroft Garden in Walnut Creek, California, Greenwood Gardens in Short Hills, New Jersey, and the Pearl Fryar Topiary Garden in Bishopville, South Carolina. In addition to preservation projects, the Garden Conservancy sponsors annual Open Days programs at hundreds of private gardens across the country, many of which are not otherwise open to the public. With horticultural and financial support, the Garden Conservancy is saving important botanical landmarks, and helping outstanding gardens to survive and thrive.

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7 Comments on “Garden Conservancy”

  1. Barbara Lin Says:

    Ruth Bancroft Succulent Garden is really great to visit. There are lots of cactus agave and aloes among others.

  2. Athena Simons Says:

    Thank you for this valuable post.

  3. nancy Says:

    Is the topiary garden done by Edward Scissorhands? Ha ha, just kidding.

  4. Paul AI Says:

    This is such a great resource. I enjoy seeing websites that understand the value of providing a prime resource for free. I truly loved reading your posts. Thanks!

  5. James08 Says:

    Last year I went to open days tour in San Antonio (Texas) and really loved the garden tours. It’s worth a visit.

  6. wbx Says:

    cool post

  7. AnnaBelle Says:

    Who knew all those prisoners had time to garden? I saw some of the gardens on a tour of alcatraz many years ago, but it looks like there better tended now.