Summer Watering
Summer has been heating up the northern half of the planet, and it’s important to remember that orchid care instructions are always subject to change. If you follow a too-rigid watering schedule, then you may notice your orchid suffering about now. On hot summer days, orchids need extra water. Plants in homes and offices may respond to longer daylight hours with a growth spurt, and also need an extra drink or two during the week.
So how often do you water? Well, there’s no single answer. Instead it depends on several interrelated factors, like light, temperature, humidity, air movement, and what orchid variety you have. High light, hot temps, dry air, and strong winds each increase an orchid’s thirst. Warm growers like Phals, Paphs, Oncidiums, and Dendrobiums will flourish with additional soakings. Always check that your flower pot drains completely, and orchid roots do not sit in water.
No orchid website or book can compete with your own observations, experience, and knowledge of local growing conditions. Pay attention, be flexible, and your orchid will reward you with amazing blooms.
important to remember that orchid watering instructions are
always subject to change. On hot days, outdoor orchids need
extra water. Even the excellent instructions at can’t compensate for heat waves. Even if
it’s not hot, long summer days also mean that orchids have
enjoy more daylight hours of photosynthesis, and need more
water. Orchids in homes and offices may also respond to
longer sunlight hours with a growth spurt, and therefore
need more additional waterings. If you follow a too-rigid
watering formula, then you may notice your orchid suffering
about now.
So how often do you water? Well, there’s no single answer.
Instead it depends on several interrelated factors, like
light, temperature, humidity, air movement, and what orchid
variety you have. For any extra hours of light, high temps,
dry air, or high winds, orchids should receive extra water.
No orchid website or book can compete with your own
observations, experience, and knowledge of local growing
conditions. Pay attention, be flexible, and remember that
when it comes to watering instructions, your mileage will
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July 25th, 2010 at 9:48 am
Good post. Thanks for the info!
July 30th, 2010 at 8:27 pm
I love the paph pics on the site
August 8th, 2010 at 9:58 am
great advice! When my friends ask me about watering, I always figure they understand that every plant needs extra water on hot days, but some people just don’t think about it.
August 27th, 2010 at 3:47 am
Ok, Hi Everyone!
I’m really new to all of this and I still need some specifics on how to water my “Phal” I am a plant lover but not much of a… shall we say “live plant keeper”… some how almost all plants that come into my care Including catus! Die.
I live in the Bay Area, north of the Golden Gate which is mostly cool and foggy, but can be sunny and warm or hot during our Indian Summer.
My husband bought me a beautiful orchid that smelled like chocolate! And I became hooked! But as usual, that beautiful flower died. I was told that that type of orchid is hard to keep for beginners.
So I bought this “Phal” (i cant remember the spelling) because I was also told that these are the best for “beginner orchid owners”. Well the one I have had 2 full faced flowers and four buds. Well 2 of the four bud just turned brown and died.
Please help me to help this poor unfortunate plant bloom the other 2 buds!!!
I have been just spraying the “moss” with luke warm water about everyother day, and I moved it from my bathroom to my bedroom where the light is “good enough for reading” and I often have the fan on so the air does move around.
Can someone please diagnose me to help this precious little plant!!
August 28th, 2010 at 10:11 am
There are several possible causes for losing Phal flower buds, like cool temps or low light, but the prime suspect is usually watering. Make sure the flower pot is not sitting in water, and drains thoroughly after each watering. Moss is great for the pros, but can be tricky for orchid newbies. Don’t water until the moss starts to dry slightly. You can tell it’s drying by touching it, and you’ll also see that the moss color lightens. Don’t let it get too dry, because then the moss will be very slow absorbing water. In moderate temps, with good humidity, you may only need to water an orchid in moss once a week, or as seldom as once a month.
September 16th, 2010 at 9:15 pm
Orchids will definitely grow beautifully if proper care has been showered to them. Orchids are just like people. They need attention and it includes having to give them enough supply of water at an environment that will surely keep them alive. The way to water orchids properly is dependent upon their specie. Make sure that you gain enough knowledge about them, where they originated and the factors that will help them live for a longer time. For a start, you have to be aware that the usual habitats of these orchids contain an 80% humidity level. This is their ideal level of humidity so if you want to ensure that the orchids will continue living you have to give this kind of temperature to them.