Oakland Orchid Show

Dave and I enjoyed some wonderful blooms and delicious scents in Oakland last weekend. The Orchid Society of California has been around since 1937, and they know how to put on a show. Just to start, here’s a brilliant orange Epidendrum, a fuzzy yellow Paph, and a sweet smelling Cattleya.

Epidendrum flowersPaphiopedilum flowerCattleya flowers

Even though it’s nearby, just across the bay, Oakland has a warmer climate than San Francisco. Warm growing Miltoniopsis, Trichoglottis, and Epidendrum would have a tougher time in our cool coastal breezes. They certainly seem happy here.

Miltoniopsis flowersTrichoglottis flowerEpidendrum flower

We also found a fascinating Dracula, and a few unusual specimens which resemble strange sea creatures more than orchids.

Dracula flowerAngraecum flowerEncyclia flower

Besides the gorgeous orchids, we also took pictures of some historic Oakland architecture. The Paramount Theater and I. Magnin Building have wonderful Art Deco designs. From the final photo, it’s easy to see why the Cathedral Building was once called the Wedding Cake Building.

Paramount Theater OaklandI. Magnin building OaklandCathedral Building Oakland

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8 Comments on “Oakland Orchid Show”

  1. skreq Says:

    thanks for the great photos

  2. Brian Says:

    Nice! I don’t know which one is my favorite photo — so many good ones — but that Epi looks *gorgeous*

  3. Piaf35 Says:

    Hi, good post. Thanks for sharing. I’ll likely be coming back to your posts. Keep up the good work


  4. AboutOrchids » Blog Archive » Oakland Orchid Show, part 2 Says:

    […] Looking back over photos from the Oakland Orchid Show, I realized that one post didn’t do it justice. […]

  5. hampnk Says:

    Your photographs are incredible. The ones that look like octupus or squid or whatever they look like are great. They look like they could attack at any moment! Mother nature is the greatest artist.

  6. nancy Says:

    Wonderful! Thanks for the photos.

  7. Socco Says:

    Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!

  8. RJ%B Says:

    WONDERFUL Post.thanks for sharing..