Orchids on Mother’s Day
Orchids have become such popular Mother’s Day gifts that moms are becoming orchid addicts as a result. They’ve discovered what many already know — orchids are easy and rewarding with a few basic care tips.
Many orchids can sport their glorious blooms for weeks or even months. To get the most life out of your plant, check these orchid tips:
- Identify your orchid to better understand its light, temperature, and water needs. You don’t need its exact name, just its orchid family. Phals, or Moth Orchids, are the most popular.
- If you cannot identify your orchid, use these general care tips.
- When watering, soak roots and potting material thoroughly. Let all excess water drain out of the holes in the bottom of the pot. Never allow the pot to sit in water for an extended time.
- Eventually you need to remove ribbons, wrapping paper, or decorative containers if they block drainage holes.
- All orchids need high humidity and good air movement. Dry air can cause flowers to quickly wilt.
- As cut flowers, orchids don’t need any special care. Keep the vase out of direct sun. Change the water every couple days to keep blooms fresh.
- Browse AboutOrchids for more growing tips, FAQ, and beautiful photos. Enjoying orchids has never been easier.
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May 11th, 2014 at 7:26 am
What beautiful flowers 🙂
Thanks for sharing
May 11th, 2014 at 9:10 pm
Love the purples !!!