Still No Orchid Shows

As we begin May, I’ll repeat that if any orchid shows are still happening, you shouldn’t go. I don’t know when big public events will be safe, but it’s still too soon. COVID19 is not contained, and the risks are too great. Orchid shows can wait.

So what to do in the meantime? There’s certainly plenty online. has years of blog posts with helpful info and fantastic photos, and there are countless other sites to explore. Do you want to connect with other orchid lovers? Join your local orchid society. Most have regular newsletters. Their in-person meetings are being replaced by virtual ones, for now. How about a little shopping? Many orchid vendors are suffering financially, since shows represent a large portion of their business. Order plants online, or give them a call. They will appreciate your support, and you’ll appreciate your new orchids. Do you belong to the American Orchid Society? Even if you’re not a member, they offer substantial online resources. Joining entitles you to even more, including their superb monthly Orchids magazine. Be well, and enjoy the flowers.

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