Our Spring Garden
Our spring garden is racing along and full of flowers. The winter rains were light, but it was apparently enough to make things burst into growth. The photos begin with a few outdoor orchids in the first row. There’s my favorite fragrant Zygo, a vigorous Australian Sarcochilus, and a stunning Cymbidium species, all thriving in our back garden.
The next two rows of photos are all native plants. California Poppies offer a brilliant orange counterpoint to the blooms of Blue-Eyed Grass, yellow and white Tidy Tips, rich blue Ceanothus, and little white Erigeron.
Our front yard is mostly succulents and other low water plants. Many have elegant, geometric leaf shapes. Their colorful flowers make them even more striking. Certainly the bees and hummingbirds love it all, and we’ve received lots of compliments from our neighbors. Now that Dave and I have lived in Pacifica for six years, our gardens have matured, and provide homes for a lot of life.
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