Ghost Orchid

The typically elusive ghost orchid, made famous in the bestselling book The Orchid Thief and the movie Adaptation, is readily visible for those near Naples, Florida. For decades, some orchid lovers have braved mosquito and alligator-infested swamps, only to leave disappointed without even a glimpse of the rare and unusual beauty. Now, a trip to the Audubon Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary provides an easy way to see a great specimen blooming in the wild, all from the comfort of a public boardwalk. The sanctuary does recommend that you bring your binoculars, since the plant is high up in a tree. This bizarre orchid has stunning white flowers and no leaves (the chlorophyll is in the roots.) Although it is endangered in its natural habitat, ghost orchid plants which are legally grown from seed can be purchased from reputable vendors like this one.

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6 Comments on “Ghost Orchid”

  1. nancy Says:

    i suppose mosquitos and alligators do a really good job protecting orchids growing in the wild. just the thought of them will keep everyone away.

  2. Robin Ng Says:

    Is it called ‘ghost’ because of the white flowers? Or maybe the lack of leaves made people think it has supernatural powers?

  3. Joy Blake Says:

    Loved the book, and the movie was brilliant!

    I hope that ghost orchid is well guarded. There are truly orchid thieves out there who do a lot of damage to orchid populations.

  4. AboutOrchids » Blog Archive » Royal News Says:

    […] By the way, the ghost orchid in Britain shares a common name with the ghost orchid I’ve written about in Florida, but they’re actually very different species. […]

  5. Dennis Says:

    Great article

  6. AboutOrchids » Blog Archive » Spring News Says:

    […] making news on both sides of the pond, and this time, it’s Florida’s turn. The same Ghost Orchid that I blogged about last year is up to it again. It’s bloomed unexpectedly early in the season, but that should be no […]