Orchid in the Park 2012

Celebrate today’s change of season with these gems from last weekend’s Orchids in the Park. The annual event put on by the San Francisco Orchid Society featured a multitude of treasures. Here’s a small sample —

Purple Vanda hybrid and orange Oncidium hybridMasdevallia bloom at Orchids in the Park 2012Lady slipper with mottled leaves in background

The colors, scents, and shapes of orchids are certainly spectacular. Unexpected patterns emerge, like those of the Phal species in the next Orchids in the Park photo. It’s aptly named Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica, but it’s not Ancient Egyptian or Mayan. Is it speaking Orchid? In the middle photo, the brilliant colors of a mini Dendrobium species grow even more remarkable upon realizing that these blooms survive cold winds on New Guinea’s highest mountains. In the last photo, within a single glass container, Jewel Orchids earn their name from their colors and fractal leaf patterns. They don’t even need to bloom to impress, and you can fit a bunch into a large jar. That’s my idea of a happy equinox.

Phalaenopsis species with "hieroglyphic" markingsColorful display of Dendrobium speciesJewel Orchids with interesting leaf patterns displayed in a glass jar

There’s a lot more from Dave’s and my cameras to share, so check back soon for additional photos from another successful Orchids in the Park.

Explore posts in the same categories: Events, Growing Orchids in San Francisco, Mini Orchids, Photos

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4 Comments on “Orchid in the Park 2012”

  1. JohnCal99 Says:

    Love ur photos! I saw many websites but http://www.aboutorchids.com is best ever.

  2. AboutOrchids » Blog Archive » More from Orchids in the Park 2012 Says:

    […] This month’s Orchids in the Park offered plenty of floral magic.[…]

  3. Grace V Says:

    great colors!@ i love the jewel orchids. such wonderful leaves!

  4. AboutOrchids » Blog Archive » Mini Dendrobium Hybrid Says:

    […] I couldn’t resist the charms of this mini when I found it for sale at this year’s Orchids in the Park. […]