Archive for October, 2009

November Orchid Shows

Saturday, October 31st, 2009

If you’re looking for some tropical beauty this month, I’d suggest heading to an orchid show. All over the globe, these shows are great opportunities to dive into orchids. If you’ve never been before, I can guarantee that you’ll see flowers with colors and shapes beyond your imagination. November 5 – 8 Club Peruano de […]

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

Ok, maybe that title is a little harsh, but I do get frustrated with orchid advice that misses the mark. In today’s sound-bite culture, oversimplification is a perennial problem, and this video clip produced by a local San Francisco TV show (video no longer available) is a good example. While they give generally accurate info, […]

Seasonal Light

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

If cold temperatures are confining your gardening to indoors, your orchids can still keep you busy. In addition to the autumn chores I wrote about recently, this is a good time of year to look at light conditions. Orchids that originate from the tropics do not experience very short days or weak sun in their […]

Little Birds

Sunday, October 18th, 2009

If you’d enjoy having a pet bird, but don’t want the noise, smell, and mess, this little orchid may be your solution. Named Ornithophora, its flowers look like little birds with head, beak, long neck, and wings spread out behind. As an added bonus, it has a light, sweet scent. I’ve been growing this reliable […]

Royal News

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

Britain’s Prince Charles has called for urgent protection for British wildflowers, including native British orchids. His call comes after release of a report by the conservation charity Plantlife, titled “The Ghost Orchid Declaration.” (By the way, the ghost orchid in Britain shares a common name with the ghost orchid I’ve written about in Florida, but […]

Orchid Conservation International

Sunday, October 11th, 2009

Orchid Conservation International (OCI) is an independent, non-profit organization that promotes preservation of rare and endangered orchids and their habitats. Orchids have not had a central conservation organization like many endangered animal groups have. OCI was established in the UK to provide a base for worldwide orchid conservation activities. These efforts include public education about […]


Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

When it comes to the all-time record holders for blooming orchids, look no further than the Epidendrum family. The 3 varieties pictured here share the admirable distinction of staying in bloom all year in our garden. The red ones have been blooming continuously for over 6 years, persisting even in our cool, gray winters. They […]

October Orchid Shows

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

This month there are dozens of orchid shows throughout the world, in cities from Honolulu to Montreal to Lima. There are also large shows in Washington, Dallas, San Diego, and all over Florida. October 1 – 4 Maui Orchid Society Show, Maui County Fairgrounds, 211 Kanaloa Ave., Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii October 2 – 4 San […]