Archive for August, 2010


Sunday, August 29th, 2010

No, they’re not orchids, but the nasturtiums growing in our back garden look so great that they deserve a post. Nasturtiums are also known as Indian Cress, Monks Cress, or Tropaeolum, which is their scientific name. California gardeners sometimes take them for granted because they’ve naturalized on the coast, and are often found growing wild. […]

Cows, Cops, and Orchids

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

Native British orchids have found allies among UK dairy farmers. Many farmers are setting aside more than a quarter of their farmland for wildlife habitats. Native plants and animals are returning, like the beautiful Orchis pictured in the article (that British Orchis is a relative of the Japanese Orchis that I grow.) The farmers are […]

Phal Harlequins

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

It’s time to clown around! Harlequins are a class of Phal hybrids developed by orchid breeders in recent years. Spots and splashes of color inspire their nickname. There are two categories of these flowers: Taiwan harlequins and painted harlequins. Taiwan types have spots. They can have little spots or big blotches. These may cover just […]

Orchids from the Tropics to the North Atlantic

Thursday, August 12th, 2010

If you’re like me and missed the recent Bangkok Royal Orchid Paradise Show, you can still enjoy page 1 and page 2 of great photos (both pages have lots of pictures, so they may be slow to load.) The show photos were generously shared by the photographer in an online orchid forum, and it looks […]

Bolivian Beauty

Saturday, August 7th, 2010

While much of the Northern Hemisphere is baking in summer heat, San Francisco is cool and foggy. Our mild weather must bear some resemblance to cloud forests in the Bolivian Andes, because this gorgeous Masdevallia has made itself right at home. In the wild, this species grows on mossy branches. In our back garden, it […]

August Orchid Shows

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

Orchid shows are great ways to enjoy lots of flowers, talk to orchid vendors and experts, and meet local growers. Shows span the globe this month, taking place from Hilo to Houston, from Australia to the UK, and from Brazil to the Philippines. Attend one if you can. August 1 Coalition of Orchid Species Symposium […]