Archive for the 'Intermediate Growers' Category
Wednesday, June 17th, 2020
Sparkling white flowers make Angraecums look like shining stars. This fascinating genus is native to Madagascar, tropical Africa, and islands in the Indian Ocean. They are sometimes called Comet Orchids, because thin nectar tubes hanging from the backs of their flowers inspire thoughts of comet tails. The most famous is Darwin’s Orchid, Angraecum sesquipedale. It’s […]
Categories: Conservation, Fragrant Orchids, Growing, Intermediate Growers, Photos, Warm Growers
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Sunday, March 29th, 2020
As we continue to shelter at home, it really helps to be surrounded by our indoor orchids. A few of my plants have been putting on great spring shows. The Mexicoa species in the first row of photos above has already been blooming for two months. Now, it’s put out five new spikes of brilliant […]
Categories: Fragrant Orchids, Intermediate Growers, Mini Orchids, Photos, Warm Growers
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Sunday, January 12th, 2020
London’s Kew Gardens is home to the Temperate House, the world’s largest Victorian glasshouse. It was closed for renovations for five years, and reopened in 2018. The skilled staff at Kew have regrown its lush greenery, and it’s full of remarkable plants. During my visit there in early December, I found a couple of Cymbidiums […]
Categories: Botanical Gardens, Intermediate Growers, Photos
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Saturday, August 10th, 2019
Head to the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney this week to see a native Australian orchid in its full splendor. Dendrobium teretifolium is sometimes called the Rat’s Tail Orchid because of its long, skinny leaves. However, when it bursts into bloom, it earns another nickname, the Bridal Veil Orchid, with cascades of creamy white flowers. The […]
Categories: Botanical Gardens, Fragrant Orchids, In the News, Intermediate Growers
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Saturday, October 13th, 2018
I don’t mind having a big spider in our home, as long as it’s a Spider Orchid. Also known as a Brassia, this Spider Orchid has very large flowers, over 14 inches (36 cm) tall! Its long petals certainly create a spidery impression. This plant was a great buy at a local grocery store a couple […]
Categories: Fragrant Orchids, Intermediate Growers, Photos
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Sunday, December 18th, 2016
As winter’s chill arrives, this brilliant tropical Cattleya is inspiring lots of warm thoughts in our home. It’s been boasting vivid purple and white blooms for over a month. In addition to their stunning colors, they emit a sweet, spicy fragrance. It’s no wonder that Cattleyas have been favorite corsage orchids for decades. Along with […]
Categories: Fragrant Orchids, Intermediate Growers, Orchid Names, Photos
Comments: 1 Comment
Saturday, November 19th, 2016
Coelia bella is a great orchid species, both easy to grow and easy to pronounce. Its charming purple, white, and yellow flowers give off a light marzipan or almond oil fragrance. To say Coelia, ignore the “o” and say Celia like the woman’s name, SEE-Lee-Ah. The second part of its Latin name, bella, translates as […]
Categories: Dormancy, Fragrant Orchids, Intermediate Growers, Photos, Watering
Comments: 2 Comments
Friday, September 16th, 2016
This orchid doesn’t win any points for being showy. Nobody gasps in delight when they see its flowers, or gushes over its colors. Epidendrum peperomia is a mini orchid species with flowers that remind me of beetles. It’s quite distinct from its larger orchid relatives, like the reed-stem Epidendrums, which flaunt tall clusters of brilliant […]
Categories: Growing, Intermediate Growers, Mini Orchids, Photos, Watering
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Wednesday, July 6th, 2016
These charming flowers belong to two related orchids, Stenoglottis longifolia and Stenoglottis woodii. They’re some of the easiest African orchid species to grow. The first half-dozen photos show Stenoglottis longifolia. Even though its blooms are small, this species can grow into a big plant. The flowers feature brilliant purple spots and a fringed lip. Dozens […]
Categories: Dormancy, Fertilizing, Growing, Intermediate Growers, Mini Orchids, Photos, Watering
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Wednesday, November 18th, 2015
Unlike tough orchid hybrids, many orchid species deserve their finicky reputations. They have exacting care needs, requiring precise temperatures, special potting, or purified water. Fortunately, there are some exceptions to the finicky orchid species rule. These easy warm growers and intermediate growers are great choices for orchid beginners. (I’ll highlight easy cool growers in a […]
Categories: Growing, Intermediate Growers, Photos, Warm Growers
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