Archive for the 'Watering' Category
Sunday, May 12th, 2019
If you’ve received an orchid gift for Mother’s Day, basic care info can help you enjoy your plant and keep it happy. Check the tips below these photos for helpful orchid info. Watering – Orchids need good drainage, so remove wrapping paper or decorative containers before watering. Soak the plant with room-temperature water, and let […]
Categories: Growing, Photos, Watering
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Wednesday, November 21st, 2018
Brassavola orchids feature showy, durable, fragrant flowers. These Cattleya relatives have white or greenish-yellow blooms which emit a strong, sweet fragrance at night. The most popular in cultivation is Brassavola nodosa, shown in the first row of photos above. It’s an easy species to grow. Native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and northern South […]
Categories: Dormancy, Fragrant Orchids, Growing, Photos, Warm Growers, Watering
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Sunday, August 26th, 2018
Vandas are orchid royalty. These popular tropical beauties have big, round, colorful, long-lasting flowers. Called strap-leaf Vandas, they are best known in the tropics. In places like Hawaii, it’s easy for growers to accommodate these large plants with long roots and high light needs by tying them onto a tree. Outside the tropics, they’re tougher […]
Categories: Fertilizing, Growing, Photos, Warm Growers, Watering
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Tuesday, April 10th, 2018
Fortunately, Coelogyne orchids are easier to grow than they are to pronounce. This glorious genus of orchids originates in Southeast Asia, in a large area stretching from India and China to Indonesia, New Guinea, the Philippines, and Fiji. Many varieties have tumbling cascades of fragrant blooms. Their brilliantly-colored flower lips often feature weird ridges and […]
Categories: Dormancy, Fertilizing, Fragrant Orchids, Growing, Photos, Watering
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Wednesday, September 27th, 2017
Some readers may wonder why I’m posting a reminder about heatwaves at the start of autumn, but SF Bay Area locals understand. For us, the warmest months of the year are September and October. True to form, our cool, foggy weather gave way to warmer temps on schedule this year, and we’ve had a few […]
Categories: Growing, Growing Orchids in San Francisco, Photos, Problems, Watering
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Saturday, July 22nd, 2017
Is anything more opulent than a Jewel Orchid? These mini terrestrials are treasured for their striking foliage, which boasts beautiful vein patterns on satiny leaves. The first row of photos below shows Ludisias, the easiest and most commonly grown Jewel Orchids. They’re usually seen with dark purple leaves and bright pink stripes, but there are […]
Categories: Growing, Mini Orchids, Photos, Watering
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Saturday, November 19th, 2016
Coelia bella is a great orchid species, both easy to grow and easy to pronounce. Its charming purple, white, and yellow flowers give off a light marzipan or almond oil fragrance. To say Coelia, ignore the “o” and say Celia like the woman’s name, SEE-Lee-Ah. The second part of its Latin name, bella, translates as […]
Categories: Dormancy, Fragrant Orchids, Intermediate Growers, Photos, Watering
Comments: 2 Comments
Friday, September 16th, 2016
This orchid doesn’t win any points for being showy. Nobody gasps in delight when they see its flowers, or gushes over its colors. Epidendrum peperomia is a mini orchid species with flowers that remind me of beetles. It’s quite distinct from its larger orchid relatives, like the reed-stem Epidendrums, which flaunt tall clusters of brilliant […]
Categories: Growing, Intermediate Growers, Mini Orchids, Photos, Watering
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Wednesday, July 6th, 2016
These charming flowers belong to two related orchids, Stenoglottis longifolia and Stenoglottis woodii. They’re some of the easiest African orchid species to grow. The first half-dozen photos show Stenoglottis longifolia. Even though its blooms are small, this species can grow into a big plant. The flowers feature brilliant purple spots and a fringed lip. Dozens […]
Categories: Dormancy, Fertilizing, Growing, Intermediate Growers, Mini Orchids, Photos, Watering
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Monday, April 18th, 2016
If you have a warm, sunny windowsill, and sometimes forget to water, Tolumnias may be perfect for you. These mini orchids have eye-catching colors and patterns. I bought this Tolumnia hybrid at last year’s Pacific Orchid Expo, and this year, it put on a great show with lots of brilliant blooms. Tolumnias are native to […]
Categories: Dormancy, Growing, Mini Orchids, Photos, Warm Growers, Watering
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