Archive for the 'Warm Growers' Category

Remarkable Moth Orchid Species

Monday, January 8th, 2018

Do you have any of these Moth Orchid species in your collection? You might not own these specific varieties, but if you have Phal hybrids, there’s a good chance that one or more of these species are in their ancestry. These nine photos show a few of the types frequently used in hybridization. Starting with […]

Florida’s Million Orchid Project Is Growing

Saturday, June 17th, 2017

The Million Orchid Project continues to return rare native plants to Florida’s cities. While earlier efforts have focused on Miami-Dade County, volunteers recently attached 250 endangered species to trees, or planted them in the ground, in Boynton Beach, making them the first in Palm Beach County. This ambitious experiment is based on a wildly successful […]

Stinky Orchid Shuts Down Smithsonian Greenhouse

Friday, April 21st, 2017

Its flowers resemble maggot-infested meat, and its scent has been compared to “a thousand dead elephants rotting in the sun.” Meet the orchid species Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis, which attracts carrion flies as pollinators.

Ground Orchids Bloom in Tough Spots

Friday, April 7th, 2017

Spathoglottis, or Ground Orchids, are staples of the tropics. They’re sturdy enough to serve as landscaping plants in shopping plazas, like these orchids on the island of Kauai.  Grown alone in pots, or in flowerbeds with other tropicals, they make gorgeous displays. These terrestrials are easy to keep in the tropics, but hard to grow […]

Orchids at McBryde Garden

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

McBryde Garden on the island of Kauai is one of Hawaii’s extraordinary places. Set in a verdant valley, it’s part of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, with a mission of conservation and research, especially for Hawaii’s endangered native flora. Dave and I were lucky enough to visit recently and enjoy its amazing sights. The garden […]

Moth Orchids Make Great Gifts

Sunday, January 29th, 2017

Moth Orchids, or Phals, always put on an impressive show. They’ve become essential for Valentine’s Day and the Lunar New Year. A steady stream of new hybrid colors and patterns continually adds to the list of Phal choices. Best of all, modern hybrids are grown for both beauty and toughness. They are as easy to […]

A Delightfully Variable Moth Orchid Species

Sunday, September 11th, 2016

The Manila Bulletin highlights some of the delightful color variations found in a favorite local orchid. Phalaenopsis equestris is a Moth Orchid species which is usually white and pink. However, many other color forms exist in white, yellow, orange, or purple. Scroll through their photos to explore the color array.

The Tiniest Orchid Flowers

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

This isn’t just a miniature orchid — it’s a micro orchid! When we went to Orchids in the Park a couple weeks ago, nobody was expecting to see one of the tiniest orchid flowers in the world. Dave didn’t have his macro lens, but he did pretty well with his regular camera. This mini Platystele […]

Ghost Orchid Scientists Aim to Restore Rare Florida Flowers

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

Scientists are working to restore wild populations of Florida’s native orchids, including the famous Ghost Orchid. Seedlings grown in labs are being transplanted in the Everglades. So far, results have been promising, with many young plants surviving the move. For most of the year, these bizarre, leafless orchids are simply masses of roots attached to […]

Vanilla: From Concern to Crisis

Saturday, June 25th, 2016

Vanilla, the world’s most delicious orchid, has been going up in price. The beans are more expensive due to several factors, including a poor crop in Madagascar, the world’s biggest producer. Other problems include speculators who hoard the beans, previous years of low prices when farmers switched to other crops, and criminals who use the […]